Basic Financial Terms !!!

Basic Financial Terms

All of the following terms have precise definitions when used in business accounting:

●● Sales or revenue

●● Cost of goods sold

●● Expenses

●● Gross profit

●● Fixed assets

●● Current assets

●● Current liabilities

●● Working capital,

●● Liquidity

●● Debtor

●● Creditor

●● Bad Debt

●● Depreciation

●● Accrual Accounting

Even though you may be familiar with some of them, it is important to know their exact meanings otherwise you may find the rest of other topic and the others in this series difficult to follow. For example, you may hear the terms ‘revenues’ and ‘receipts’ used interchangeably in casual office conversation. However, as far as business accounting is concerned they are different things and you will find yourself becoming confused if you don’t appreciate the difference.
Read the following definitions carefully and make sure that you understand exactly what is meant by each of these accounting terms.

Sales or Revenue
Revenue is the income that flows into an organization, and it is often used almost synonymous with sales. In government and nonprofit organizations it includes taxes and grants. Don’t confuse revenues with receipts. Under the accrual basis of accounting, revenues are shown in the period they are earned, not in the period when the cash is collected. Revenues occur when money is earned; receipts occur when cash is received. 

Cost of Goods Sold
This is the purchase cost of the merchandise that was subsequently sold to customers.

Refers to the other costs that are not matched with sales as part of the cost of goods sold. They may be matched with a specific time, usually monthly, quarterly, or annually or they may also be one-off payments. Expenses include: staff wages, rent, utility bills, insurance, equipment, etc.

Gross Profit
Refers to what is left after you subtract the cost of goods sold from the sales. It is also called gross margin. For example, if an organization buys in an item for $50 and sells it for $75 (plus sales tax), then the gross profit will be $25.

Fixed Assets
This refers to all of those things that the business owns which will have a value to the business over a long period. This is usually understood to be any time longer than one year. It includes freehold property, plant, machinery, computers, motor vehicles, and so on.

Current Assets
This refers to assets with the value available entirely in the short term. This is usually understood to be a period of less than a year. This is either because they are what the business sells or because they are money or can quickly be turned into money. Examples include inventory/stock, money owing by customers, money in the bank, or other short term investments.

Current Liabilities
This refers to those things that the business could be called upon to pay in the short term—within the year. Examples include bank overdrafts and money owing to suppliers.

Working Capital
This is the difference between current assets and current liabilities. An organization without sufficient working capital cannot pay its debts as they fall due. In this situation it may have to stop trading even if it is profitable.

This is the ability to meet current obligations with cash or other assets that can be quickly converted into cash in order to pay bills as they become due. In other words the organization has enough cash or assets that will become cash so that it is able to write checks without running out of money.

A debtor is a person owing money to the business, for example a customer for goods delivered.

A creditor is a person to whom the business owes money, for example a supplier, landlord, or utility organization.

Bad Debt
All reasonable means to collect a debt have been tried and have failed so the amount owed is written off as a loss and becomes categorized as an expense on an income statement. This results in net income being reduced.

Assets have a certain length of time in which they operate efficiently, referred to as ‘an asset’s useful life.’ During this period the value of that asset depreciates due to age, wear and tear, or obsolescence. The loss in value is recorded in accounts as a non-cash expense, which reduces earnings whilst raising cash flow.

Accrual Accounting
Accrual accounting relies on two principles, which have already been alluded to:
  • The revenue recognition principle states that revenues are recognized when they are realized or realizable, and are earned (usually when goods are transferred or services rendered), no matter when the payment is received.
  • The matching principle states that expenses are recognized when goods are transferred or services rendered, and offset against recognized revenues, which were generated from those expenses, no matter when the cash is paid out.
These two principles are absolutely central to understanding how accrual accounting works and are described in detail in the next sections.

Key Points
  • Terms like ‘revenue,’ ‘expenses, ‘gross profit,’ ‘depreciation,’ ‘bad debt,’ and ‘fixed assets’ have precise definitions when used in business accounting.
  • You need to understand exactly what is meant by accounting terms like these.

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About Dinesh Lamichhane

"राम्रो भोलिको लागि, आज सिकौं र सिकाऔं" भन्ने उध्येश्यका साथ संचालित, यो बल्ग शिक्षा, सञ्चार, जागरूकता, जानकारी, समन्वय, पुस्तकहरु, कक्षाहरू, आदि र समग्रमा लोकसेवा र कलेजको विद्यार्थी सँग सम्बन्धित ब्लग हो। देशमा बढीरहेको बेरोजगारी र नेपाली प्रशासनमा कमजोर कर्मचारी को समस्यालाई ध्यानमा राखी यो बल्ग निर्माण गरिएको हो । यहाँ हामी सके सके-सम्म सम्पुर्ण बिषयबस्तुहरु समावेस गर्ने प्रयास गरिरहेका छौ। जस्ले गर्दा कुनैपनि लोकसेवाको तयारी गरीरहेका र कलेज पढ्दै गरेका विद्यार्थीहरुलाई धेरै उपयोगी हुनेछ भन्ने हाम्रो विश्वास रहेको छ। तपाईपनि आ-आफ्नो ठाँऊबाट हामीलाई सहयोग गरिदिनुहुन अनुरोध गर्दछौ । तपाई सँग एदी कुनै लोकसेवाको लागी सहयोगी सामाग्रीहरु साथै बिभिन्न संकायका शैक्षिक सामाग्रीहरु छन् भने हामीलाई र मा मेल गरी सहयोग गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ ।
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